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Embers of the Past


  My friends, who encouraged me, and without whom this novel may not exist.

  My beta readers, who’s enthusiasm for my writing gave me endless motivation.

  And lastly, to the memory of John, who gave me a home, encouraged me to pursue my dreams, and who I miss dearly, every single day.

  Chapter 1: Welcome to Solenim Academy

  “Sweetheart, you need to run, it’s not safe here.”

  “But I can’t leave you! I won’t!” Kagura sobs out.

  “I know you’re afraid, but everything is going to be okay, I promise. We’ll meet you at the evacuation point, just please, run as fast as you can and don’t stop.”

  Nodding frantically, with tear stricken eyes betraying her present mood, the seven year old grabs her backpack and immediately runs, hearing a quickly uttered spell by her mother that gives haste to her movements.

  Yet… She wasn’t fast enough.

  They weren’t fast enough.

  She knows she shouldn’t look back, but she does anyway. One final glance to assure that her parents are safe. There’s a blinding flash as a spell goes off, and then a roaring heat, joined by a shockwave that knocks her off her feet. She slams into the ground a few yards away, soon giving a fruitless attempt to push herself up while still light-blind and struggling to breathe, but a sharp pain in her bicep makes her collapse. When she touches her arm, it's wet with blood.

  Making a desperate attempt to crawl along the stony ground, Kagura scarcely drags herself a few feet before collapsing completely, eyes growing heavy, vision quickly fading. Falling unconscious, the last thing she sees is a cloak clad figure approaching, and then darkness consumes the world around her – like ink spilled across her vision.


  Thump thump thump.

  “Darling, it’s time to wake up, breakfast is ready!” A female’s voice calls out upon knocking thrice against a door, the immediate response to this being a loud yawn and much groaning from the blanket shrouded figure within.

  “I’m up, I’m up… I’ll be down soon mama…” The figure says before releasing another mighty yawn, almost immediately throwing aside the blanket and swinging her legs off the bed, in what can only be described as a forced action, while her free hand blearily rubs at her half-lidded eyes. Kagura launches herself up to her feet alongside another, softer, yawn echoing forth, messy hair being brushed away from her face to grant her the blessing of sight once again.

  Dragging herself along through her room, she spends a few minutes dressing in her school uniform - a relatively simple outfit - comprised of a white short-sleeved shirt underneath a dark blue blazer, a similarly colored pleated skirt that follows down to her knees, and a black ribbon tied into a bow around the shirt’s collar, accompanied by thigh high black socks and sleek black shoes. Once dressed she then takes to neatly brushing back her brunette hair, wavy curls flowing down to her lower back with each slow stroke of the brush, care taken to avoid causing any damage.

  A cursory glance into her full mirror allows for an inspection of her appearance, met with a sly grin of satisfaction before she turns and departs downstairs, a perky bounce to her step. Of course, she has all the reason to be in such a good mood, today is the first day back at school, something she had been excited about for weeks. As she steps off the stairs, skipping forward and past the last step, she is greeted with a hug from her mother, another reason for her current mood.

  “Good morning Kagura, did you rest well?” Parting from the hug, Rebecca smiles down at her daughter, a few stray strands of silver streaked black hair strewn down the right side of her face, the rest pulled up into a messy bun. Kagura nods as she settles at the kitchen table, a quick side hug being given to her other mother, Nev’aran. Crimson skin, glossy black hair in a pixie cut, short curved horns, and heterochromatic black and red irises, many of the tell-tale signs of a demoness, yet nothing at all that looks out of place.

  “I did, yes. No nightmares thankfully, else I might not be in as good a mood as I’d like today.” The teen lies, not wanting to worry her mother any more than she otherwise might. Rebecca chuckles as she listens to Kagura, a plate filled with food being set in front of her daughter after a short while before she retreats into the kitchen.

  Rice fried with egg and bacon, toast, orange slices, and a steaming mug of tea, her favorite breakfast above all others. Kagura digs in all too readily, paying the barest of attention to her parents as they chat about various things, electing to focus on her meal more than anything. With a voracious appetite at hand it takes her little time to finish her meal, the spritely sixteen-year-old tending to her dishes before retreating upstairs to fetch her backpack and belongings.

  “Let’s see…” Beginning to mutter to herself, she slowly wanders about her room, mentally checking to make sure she has everything she needs. Wand? Check. Books for the year? Check. Luggage packed? Check as well. “Looks to be just about everything.”

  “Forgetting something?” A soft-spoken voice causes Kagura to spin in place to face its source, dark green orbs focusing down on a fluffy orange tabby cat named Seraphine. Of course, she is no ordinary tabby cat, after all a mage’s familiar is their companion, often times even seen as a friend, and the innate ability of each mage to speak to their own familiar is of importance as well.

  “Of course not Seraphine, did you really think I’d forget you?” Grinning down at the seemingly amused feline, Kagura kneels and extends a hand to her, Seraphine deftly clambering up her arm and settling against her shoulders.

  “Alright, now I have everything, so we should be heading out shortly.” With her backpack pulled on and her suitcase in hand, she heads back downstairs and meets her mother by the front door, Rebecca looking her over for a few moments in an inspection of her own.

  “Got everything darling? Remembered to pack your books, clothes, everything you need?” Kagura nods as Rebecca speaks, as eager as she has always been when it comes time to leave for the school year. Nev’aran makes her way over to the two, gliding a few inches off the floor before coming to a rest on her feet, a hug being shared with Kagura before she turns and kisses her wife.

  “You two have a good year at school, alright? I’ll see you both when winter holiday rolls around.” She begins, only to lean down and grin at Kagura, “Try not to get in too much trouble, you know how upset it makes your mother.” Unable to resist grinning in return, Kagura nods before looking to Rebecca, who’s unamused expression makes the demoness chuckle while the two depart.

  “You sure look excited, huh kiddo?” Rebecca hums out as she walks along with Kagura, the trek to the train station not a long one. While normally they would drive, the weather is pleasant enough for a refreshing walk through the city, the large, part-suburban part-urban Lunaria being a central hub in the human region of Homenia. With this being the first day back of school term for students and faculty alike, many find themselves needing an early start to ensure they are ready and willing, some earlier than others.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? School starts today, even if we won’t have classes until tomorrow, and I get to see all my friends again.” Kagura’s tone betrays her excitement, Seraphine nipping at her cheek lightly before purring softly. Rebecca chuckles for a few moments before sighing fondly, eyes falling closed for naught but a few moments.

  “I remember when I was a student, I was just as excited as you, getting to learn new things, both about magic and the world around us. Though I suppose it is just as rewarding to help teach you kids, even if not everyone is as excited to learn as you are.”

  “Well, lessons do start somewhat early in the morning, not everyone likes getting up just to learn.” Kagura points out, Seraphine sticking her tongue out for a few

  “You won’t catch me waking up early, that kind of nonsense is for the students.” The feline familiar mewls out, Rebecca chuckling softly before scratching behind her ears.

  “True, most familiars do get to rest in the dorms unless needed for a lesson, and most lessons with familiars aren’t early in the morning, so you get to be a spoiled princess all year.” Seraphine rolls her eyes at Rebecca’s retort, then quietly purrs into Kagura’s ear.

  “Remind me to remember your mother can speak to all familiars, I really need to stop forgetting that.”

  Kagura chuckles a little before nodding, then turns her gaze forward once more, the train station quickly coming into view. As they enter the station, the sleek maglev train to the school waiting on the center tracks, a few familiar faces come into view, Kagura waving to them before facing Rebecca.

  “Looks like your friends are here already, why don’t you go ahead and say hi. I need to meet up with the other teachers aboard the faculty car, the train leaves in twenty minutes so get settled where you’d like.” Kagura nods once Rebecca finishes, then shares a quick hug with her mother before running over to her friends, suitcase being set down as she comes to a halt.

  “Hey there Tin Grin.” Demetri greets in a teasing manner, the elf grinning down at the much shorter Kagura who responds with a wry smile. Considerably tall, with ashen grey skin, short, messy ginger hair, amber eyes that bear a rather lazy appearance, and long, pointed ears, while he shares the traits inherent in elves he looks carefree and relaxed, as if nothing could get to him. At least, most things don’t get on his nerves.

  “Hey yourself Sparky.” She teases in kind, her grin growing to expose her braces as she sees Demetri rub at the back of his head sheepishly.

  “I thought you agreed to stop calling me that! That was one time…” His complaining is met with laughter from the group, making his ashen grey skin light up with slight redness.

  “And I thought you agreed to stop calling me tin grin, yet here we are.” Kagura gazes around at the rest of the group, considerably happy to see her friends again especially with everyone in their school uniforms, like her own save for the boys wearing slacks instead. Of course, each outfit is tailored to fit the student, owing to the differences in anatomy between each race.

  “Hey Esme, Malc, had a good summer?” She asks the angelic duo, both of whom nod with noticeable smiles. Both twins share a similar appearance, flawless pale skin, shimmering blonde hair, glistening blue eyes, and they radiate a faint glow, traits native to the angels though not shared by all. While many angels elect to hover inches off the ground, just as demons can do, the twins remain stood on their feet, looking as happy as can be at present.

  “Sure did! The parents took us sightseeing around the world, we went to Tal’vedan, spent a week there exploring and looking at the demonic architecture, then it was off to Raldevar to visit the best things the elves have to show.” Esmerelda chimes out in reply, Malchion immediately taking over when she falls silent.

  “Last stop was the Wild Lands, though we had to make sure we went after the full moon was gone. Dad doesn’t want another incident like when we were four, made the mistake of visiting when the full moon was high, and, well… Let’s just say the werefolk aren’t as friendly once they’ve fully transformed.”

  “Sounds like you guys had an eventful summer! So, shall we board the train? Might be a good idea unless we want it to leave without us.” Kagura’s suggestion is met with agreeing nods, everyone gathering up their bags and hurrying onto the train. It takes them little time to find an unoccupied cabin in one of the passenger cars, their bags being stowed on the racks above before they settle into seats, the twins beside each other while Demetri and Kagura take the opposite side.

  Seraphine clambers down off Kagura’s shoulders with a quick jump, landing on her lap before promptly curling up and relaxing. Just as she does Esmerelda’s familiar, a dark brown mink named Stella, pops out of the collar of her blazer, a similarly colored mink named Reprobi poking his head out of the right pocket of Malchion’s. Not to be left out, and as if he were taking a cue from the rest, a wolpertinger leaps down from his perch on Demetri’s bags and right onto his head, startling him slightly to the amusement of the others.

  “Are you guys excited to return to school? I know I am.” Kagura asks while idly stroking along Seraphine’s back, Demetri snorting softly in amusement. “Is there something funny, Demetri?”

  “Please, Kagura, you always find school exciting, you’re such an egghead.” He comments, the twins watching this back and forth in silence.

  “Well excuse me if I actually like learning new things and enjoy our classes. At least I didn’t electrocute myself with a thunder cloud I created when I was a first year.” Demetri huffs slightly as Kagura again brings up that memory, arms crossing over his chest when he does.

  “Yeah, well… You’re stubborn too you know. I only shocked myself because I am as well, may I remind you that when we were second years you blew yourself up in potions because you insisted you were right about a formula for a potion you found that differed from the one in our books.” Kagura groans softly as Demetri retorts with a less than kind memory of his own, gaze turning out the window as the train begins its departure from the station.

  “Don’t remind me… Three days I spent in the medical ward recovering from minor burns… I guess we’re both pretty stubborn, not that it’s the worst thing…” She mutters before sighing, Seraphine taking the opportunity to begin purring against the petting she’s receiving. Before long, the train gets up to speed, the cityscape of Lunaria rapidly fading into the stunning, picturesque nature of Homenia. With Seraphine continuing to purr away atop her lap Kagura begins to relax, the passing landscape a comfort she adores seeing time and time again.

  “Say, Grins…” Hearing Demetri speak Kagura glances over towards him, a slight glare forming which is met with him holding his hands up apprehensively, “Relax, I’m not gonna call you the other name if you’ll stop with Sparky, alright? I just had a question.” Once Kagura gives him a silent nod as if to say go ahead, he clears his throat and speaks, though his question isn’t exactly something she wanted to hear.

  “I know your family is originally from Earth, you as well, but you grew up here, what’s Earth like? I’ve only ever known Sanctus, and even then I’ve not been many places aside from where I was born in Raldevar, and where me and the folks live in Lunaria, I can’t imagine what off-world is like.” The moment those words leave his lips Kagura goes pale, her normally calm gaze drifting towards the floor of the cabin slowly while she visibly tenses up. What could she possibly say about Earth, about her former home, with everything that happened?

  “I… I don’t like talking about Earth… I know you’re curious, but… I don’t have many good memories of that place anymore…” Forcing herself to speak, Kagura sighs a soft, barely perceptible exhale of air, eyes clenching shut as they threaten to grow misty. “What you’ve heard in history, the War, why Sanctus no longer maintains relationships with Earth… It’s all true… Ask Professor Melangreve if you want to know more, just… Please, I don’t want to talk about it…”

  “Professor Melangreve? Your mother?” This time Esmerelda speaks, employing a softer tone as if worried about eavesdroppers, a curious gaze focusing on her human friend before she continues speaking, “Is she an Earth native too? I can’t say we know all that much about her, other than that she’s our potions professor.” Kagura shakes her head before speaking, forcing herself to look up at her friend as she voices something she hadn’t been courageous enough to admit prior.

  “No, at least… I don’t know, she could be… Professor Melangreve, mama… She rescued me at the end of the war… You all must remember the Battle of New Lunaria, the last battle of the war, we, well… You learned about it last year. That battle is why I’m here, and… Why Professor Melangreve cares for me now.” Seeing her friends stunned expressions, something which had been expecte
d, Kagura turns her gaze back out the cabin window, electing to look at nothing once she does.

  “I know you can see I look nothing like her, or my other mother, that’s because I’m adopted. They’ve been my parents since after the battle, when I was released from the hospital I found out they adopted me. Its jarring, having your world upended all at once, but… Life’s like that sometimes. I’ll… Tell you guys more about what happened later, just… Not right now. It still hurts to talk about, even now.”

  With a steely coldness to the air as silence takes over, the group elect to distract themselves with their own devices for the next hours, and after a considerable amount of time they are roused to attention by the sight of another train coming into view, this one hailing from Tal’vedan, the demon nation being the closest neighbor to Homenia and the school.

  “Wow, the Tal’vedanian train, we’re definitely getting close to Solenim.” Demetri comments, Kagura rolling her eyes before chuckling.

  “It’s like this every year Demetri, surely you’d have learned by now. Solenim is roughly centered in the middle of the boundaries between the nations, and Tal’vedan is the closest neighbor to Homenia on this side of the academy.” She points out, giving the slender elf a wiry grin afterwards.

  “Right, right… Guess I really didn’t pay all that much attention in history and geography…” He mutters, only for Malchion to speak up in reply.

  “Maybe if you’d spend less time sleeping in class, you’d learn something useful.” Both Kagura and Esmerelda can hardly resist giggling as Demetri glares at Malchion, but before he can respond a voice echoes out over the train’s intercom.

  “Good morning students and faculty! We will be arriving at Solenim Academy in half an hour, please make sure you leave no belongings behind and have a wonderful and insightful year at school.” The train’s driver cheerfully says, just as the tracks leave land and carry the train across the water, safely held up by ever present and glowing enchantments.