Embers of the Past Page 2
“Time sure flies when you’re, uh… Not doing anything, I guess.” Demetri says with a chuckle, Kagura gingerly scooping up Seraphine before nodding.
“We should get our bags down, I’m sure everyone’s excited to return to the academy, even if they may not be excited to start learning.” She hums out, Esmerelda giggling before chiming in, “It’s a good thing they give us the whole day to settle into our dorms, especially given how early some of us wake up.”
“Right, I’m just glad our dormmate assignments don’t change, I quite like the boy I’ve been with for the past few years.” Malchion is met with a knowing smirk from his sister, one which he recognizes, and which makes him more than a little bit nervous.
“Quite like, is that so? If I recall I saw you two making kissy faces at each other before we left at the end of the year- Hey! You know I’m right!” As Esmerelda teases her brother he retaliates by covering her mouth with his hand, which is met with her pulling back and grinning further. Demetri chuckles for a little before gathering up Francis off his lap, the wolpertinger’s wings fluttering slightly as he is lifted.
“Alright you two, settle down, we’re almost there, so let’s grab our bags and go wait by the doors alright?” With Demetri being the voice of reason for once, everyone nods and moves to fetch their bags from the overhead racks, their respective familiars settling in somewhere comfortable for the time being. With bags in hand they depart from the cabin and settle in amongst the crowd of students who have the same idea, the train slowly easing to a stop at the school’s station.
The doors slide open with a soft hiss, revealing the school’s vast, spacious island and the sleek, modern styled school buildings. A noticeably upbeat mood is felt as students depart the train, both new and returning alike, the sight of the extravagant academy ahead capturing their attention yet again, just as a voice calls out, echoing and booming from nearby.
“Welcome, students and faculty, to another year at Solenim Academy.”
Chapter 2: Business As Usual
“Welcome, one and all, to another year at Solenim Academy. I’m sure you’re all ready to settle into your rooms for the afternoon, especially after such a delectable meal, but first I’ll leave you all with some parting words.” Headmistress Amethyst’s voice echoes forth across the grand hall, booming loud enough for all to hear while also showing her particularly lively mood.
“For new students, it is best you do not wander. While the grounds are not off limits, first and second year students are beholden to a ten o’clock curfew. As for those of you returning to us, please mind the rules, mind your classmates, and most of all mind yourselves, lest you wind up needlessly paying a visit to one of our fine nurses. Now, off you go, for those of you joining us for the first time your elder classmates can direct you to the proper dorms.”
With Headmistress Amethyst’s traditional start of term greeting out of the way the students begin filing out of the grand hall, first years following behind their seniors to help themselves learn the layout of the school. As everyone departs their tomes begin to blink to life, the smartphone-esque devices updating with tidbits of information including class schedules and dorm assignments for students new and old alike. Following the crowd, Kagura snags her tome out from within her blazer pocket and begin tapping at the screen, spending a few moments recalling the location of the fourth-year dormitories once she discovers her room number.
“Let’s see… I think it’s this way.” Muttering to herself, she looks up from her tome and follows a group of fifth year girls to the right, figuring correctly that they’re headed in the right direction. Up three flights of stairs, then down the hall to the left, followed by a sharp right, leaving her at the fourth-year girls dormitory, just past the collective fourth-year common area. As she passes the doors to the dorms she mentally counts off numbers until she finds the correct room, a gentle tap of her tome against the handle unlocking it and granting her access.
“Sure is nice of them to always bring our belongings to our dorms each year.” Kagura notes, stepping inside. Letting Seraphine down from her shoulders, she is nearly swept off her feet by a figure latching onto her abruptly from behind, hands quickly falling in place over her eyes.
“Guess who!” The mysterious presence calls out in a suspiciously cheerful manner to the now captive brunette, Kagura almost immediately grinning before she leans back against the voice’s owner.
“Well hey there Mer, fancy meeting you here.” She returns with no shortage of mirth. As hands leave her eyes, Kagura twirls in place and immediately greets her dormmate - and girlfriend - Mer’ania with a kiss, rising to her toes in the process given her considerable shortness compared to the white-haired demoness. Mer’ania all too gladly returns this gesture, going so far as to crouch lower to make it easier on Kagura, arms wrapping around the diminutive teen while the kiss presses on. Nearly a minute passes before the two part from their embrace, cheeks alight with color and the widest, most joy filled smiles plain as day visible on their faces.
“Fancy meeting me here, eh? I hope you didn’t forget we’ve been dormmates since we were firsties.” The young demoness teases before striding over to the bed where her belongings are situated, a white and brown tabby cat happily snoozing away on the blankets. She gingerly brushes aside the few stray strands of short, snowy hair strewn over her face before smiling over at Kagura, who settles onto the bed beside her and slowly gazes upwards over her crimson skin.
“Of course not, you know I’m only teasing Mer, I could never forget you. I hope your summer was more eventful than mine, I spent most of it in Lunaria.” Mer’ania chuckles a little as Kagura speaks, an arm soon draping around the shorter mage’s shoulders before she tugs her close and gives her a light squeeze.
“Me and the parents visited some historical sights in Tal’vedan, I got to spend time learning about demon heritage before the discovery of Sanctus and the Grand Exodus occurred. Not the most exciting of things, but it was interesting to say the least, though certainly not as interesting as spending time with you.” As Mer’ania falls silent Kagura presses a light peck to her right cheek, grinning up at her afterwards with as much elation as she can muster. Mer’ania, in turn, presses a kiss to Kagura’s forehead, squeezing her shoulder lightly once more before releasing a happy exhale of breath.
“I talked my moms into a vacation to Tal’vedan next summer, so I’ll be able to come see you, instead of us just talking through our tomes. I know Mama’s been longing to get out of the house, between being a parent and teaching here she’s been busy.” Kagura’s eyes gradually flutter closed, Mer’ania’s comforting presence all too welcome this afternoon. “How’s Fluff doing, by the way? He certainly seems to be quite tired.”
“Fluff’s doing just fine,” Mer reassures, “We had a really early start so we didn’t miss the train. He was full of energy the whole ride here, but fell asleep before we pulled into the station. Seraphine seems to be just as tired,” Mer’ania points out, Kagura chuckling a little before nodding, “What say we head out to the courtyard before dinner? Just us?”
“That’s a wonderful idea, it’s been lovely out all day. I’ll wait for you outside the dorm so you can swap your prosthetic leg out.” Kagura presses one final kiss to the demoness’ cheek before hopping up to her feet and retreating out of the room, giving Mer’ania some privacy so that she may swap out her prosthetic lower right leg for a more athletic oriented one suitable for the outdoors.
Upon seeing her leave the dorm Kagura takes her hand, a toothy grin forming as the two make for the dorm’s stairs. “How’s life been treating you, Kags? Braces doing okay?” Mer’ania asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence, her gaze remaining focused ahead while she follows what she remembers to be the path out of the dorms and to the courtyard. With her preference for slacks over skirts for the student uniform, the only sign the prosthesis is in place is the sports blade attached to its end, protruding out past the end of the pantleg.
; “Life’s the same, you know? Nothing new really happening, I’ve been excited to return this semester. There’s always something interesting going on, students practicing spellwork, our lessons, even just walking around the academy grounds.” Kagura hums out an affirmative reply, expression softening the barest amount while she mulls over the second question.
“As for my braces… It’s fine, same as it’s always been, it’ll be a few weeks before I’m seen and they start paining me again, then the cycle repeats.” Every step taken sends the brunette’s locks bouncing slightly, dark green eyes flitting about idly as she absorbs the surroundings she’d grown accustomed to over the years.
“That’s good to hear, it’ll be all worth it in the end.” Mer’ania comment, a small smile spreading across her face. Seeming satisfied with Kagura’s answer, the demoness continues the trek out to the courtyard, the duo soon greeted by a crisp autumn air and a sun slowly the horizon in the afternoon sky. Given the planet’s tilt, and the location of Solenim central to the borders of the various nations, autumn brings with it a refreshing coolness to contrast the summer’s heat, soon to give way to winter’s chill and the beauty that joins it. Kagura and Mer’ania make their way over to a stone bench underneath a tree with little haste to their step, settling beside one another while the school bustles with activity.
Students new and old making use of their remaining free time before nightfall, socializing, exploring the campus, or even just relaxing in their dorms, unpacking their belongings and settling in for the year ahead. Kagura mentally remark how blissfully familiar this all feels, the first day of term both relaxing and filled with slight tension.
With lessons starting the next day many wish to enjoy what time they have left before they begin focusing on school proper, knowing the weekends will be but the only chance they’ll have to unwind, outside of assignments and studying that is. Sighing softly, Kagura gazes around the courtyard, gently leaning into Mer’ania’s side as she does, the demoness smiling down at her before leaning in kind herself.
“Remember when we were first years, Mer? I’d always dreamed of coming here, the school my parents were taught at, and that dream finally came true. Many of us were excited, others afraid, and curious even, but why shouldn’t we have been?” Kagura sighs longingly as she thinks back to her first year at school, and her first days as well. Fond memories, of making friends, learning more about the world, about magic.
“It was kind of scary being without both my parents around, even with mama here… Suddenly having this great independence, but major responsibility as well, it was… Well, a once in a lifetime experience, I figure is the right way to put it.” Mer’ania nods along as Kagura speaks, instinctively hugging her girlfriend tighter given how painful she knows it is for Kagura to talk about her parents.
“I’m the youngest of three, I’d always waited for the day I’d get to come here myself, seeing how much my older siblings loved coming here, how they’d come home each break with stories to tell about what they’ve learned, the things they’ve seen, it always amazed me. And then, it was finally my turn, but I wasn’t afraid in the slightest, even if I was going to be alone for the first time.” Speaking with a fondness to her voice, Mer’ania thinks back on her experiences while Kagura patiently listens on.
“I thought I would be afraid, being away from family for the first time, but… I had you, and you had me, how could I possibly be afraid with you at my side? It’s like… The teachers know exactly who to pair us with as dormmates to be the best match.” Kagura chuckles lightly when Mer’ania falls silent, gaze drifting up towards the sky in silent reflection.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the lovebirds.” A familiar voice teasingly says after roughly ten minutes of peaceful silence pass, Kagura glancing off to the side to see Demetri grinning cheerfully at the two as if he hadn’t just interrupted a moment between them. “Just enjoying the weather, hmm? It is quite a nice afternoon, can’t imagine spending it indoors.”
“Hey Demetri!” Mer’ania cheerfully greets him while ignoring Kagura’s skeptical frown, at least for now. “We were, yes, is there something you needed, or did you just stop by to say ‘Hi’?”
“Oh, a little of both. Dinner will be served soon, I figured you guys would want to be reminded, unless you wanted to spend all evening out here together.” With a tone of amusement in his voice, a subtle clue as to the intent behind his actions, the elf smiles bemusedly down at the pair before strolling off into the school, Kagura sighing and looking to Mer’ania.
“Leave it to Demetri to ruin such a wonderful moment… I suppose we should head back in, guess it would help if we didn’t miss dinner, yeah?” Kagura suggests, figuring that it would be best to not miss dinner, lest she once again end up hungry late at night. She carefully rises to her feet before taking Mer’ania’s hand and helping her stand, the two quickly re-entering the academy just as the halls begin filling with students. Filing in behind a few fifth-year students socializing with a sixth year, they follow everyone along into the grand hall, tables already filled with a wide variety of food from each nation suitable enough for any palate.
Kagura and Mer’ania settle in near the end of one of the five long tables, gazing across the various selections before grabbing whatever food they fancy. The shorter of the two teens selects a generous portion of beef stew, and the demoness picks the relentlessly spiced glazed chicken over rice. Kagura makes a rather off-putting face upon noticing this, the smell of the spices used in the preparation already assaulting her senses.
“I really don’t understand how you could like that; I couldn’t eat right for days the one time I tried a bite.” She whines out, wafting away the aroma before taking a considerable bite of her stew. Mer’ania just grins, sharp canines being bared in the process, a piece of chicken expertly tossed up afterwards before being deftly caught it in her mouth.
“Us demons have high tolerance for spice, it doesn’t affect us as much as it does the rest of you, and it’s so good too!” Mer’ania purrs out her reply much like how her familiar would, savoring the flavor of the chicken as she does, Kagura sticking her tongue out momentarily before returning focus to her own meal. As dinners are finished, dishes magically fade out of being, the tables soon coming to bare all manner of decadent sweets fading into existence in place of the former foods.
Unwilling to look at what her partner is selecting, lest it be spiced as much as her dinner, Kagura settles on a savory slice of bread pudding, gaze drifting around the hall once she begins eating. Her idle inspection of the large room reveals nothing she’d find out of the ordinary, everyone seeming exceptionally sociable even as they enjoy their selected sweets and satisfy their sweet tooths.
Once dessert is finished, all dishes again fade before them, students rising to their feet and forming a collective mass as they file out of the grand hall to the dormitories. Kagura trails along behind Mer’ania, the demoness easily seen through the fog of people given her height, even with the shorter teen’s lack of height factored in. Mer’ania’s height allows her to ascend the stairs faster than Kagura can, yet the shorter teen continues to keep up, lest they momentarily lose each other in the crowd.
The crowds gradually disperse as students head to their respective rooms or to the common area, the two teens choosing to do the former. Immediately upon entering the room the two are descended upon by their respective familiars, the two felines clambering up their arms and perching atop their shoulders.
“You certainly seem to be full of energy Seraphine, glad to be back here after a summer away?” Kagura asks as she strides over to her bed, Seraphine mewling in reply before lightly licking the brunette’s cheek, drawing out a few soft giggles as she does. “I’m glad you’re so full of life, can’t say the same for me and Mer with how full we are.” Allowing Seraphine to remain perched on her shoulder, Kagura begins to finally unpack her bags, sorting things where they best fit. Books on the shelf at the foot of the bed, clothes in the dresser, wand
atop the dresser alongside treats for her companion, and lastly a picture of her and her parents, right atop the dresser facing the bed where she can see it.
Once she’s satisfied her portion of the dorm is tidied up and sorted as well as she prefers, she glances over towards Mer’ania and watches as she goes about a similar task. However, in contrast to the various things set out by Kagura, the demoness also sets out her indoor use prosthesis, shaped more like a real leg than the running blade she currently has in place, and the supplies needed for care of her leg. For Mer’ania, the lost limb serves as a reminder of the war that ultimately left her waking up to a new, changed life on Sanctus.
Sifting through her dresser, Kagura begins, “Mm… Mer, I’m gonna go change into something comfortable for the evening, wanna go relax in the common area afterwards?” Wasting no time in settling on pajamas, she turns to face Mer’ania, the demoness’ nod all she needs before retreating into the bathroom. She glances back at Mer’ania momentarily, watching as Fluff is scooped up off her shoulders, then closes the door and inspects herself in the mirror idly. Her appearance is mulled over for all of a minute or so before she dresses in the gown she had selected, the dark green garment lined with white frills around the neck, sleeves, and the end of the knee length skirt.
Plucking a few strands of hair from her face she glances up at her slightly messy bangs, “I really should get a haircut, kind of hard to manage at this length…” she thinks out loud to herself. Releasing her hair and quietly exhaling, she strides out into the shared room and over to her bed, gently settling against the mattress before doting on Seraphine for the time being, allowing Mer’ania time to get dressed herself. Soon enough the demoness steps out while stretching her arms over her head, her long black pajama pants and button down pajama top doing well to hide her prosthesis now that she’s swapped it for the evening.